
Catholic movie reviews for kids
Catholic movie reviews for kids

catholic movie reviews for kids catholic movie reviews for kids

Too bad we were only ten minutes into story. But after the impaled, part skeletal - part rotting-flesh (with dangling eyeballs) bodily remains of an unwitting, previous visitor jumped out of the screen at her, she started to express serious reservations about our entertainment choice. She managed to stay composed through the dark and scary jungle scenes (underscored by sinister music), bats, tarantulas, dialogue referring to dangerous tribal people who use poisonous darts, a mutinous plot foiled when a gunman is disarmed by a whip, and even the suspense of entering a cobwebby cave no one has been known to return from. In all honesty, I did remember the plot was pretty intense, so I choose to sit beside my nine-year-old in case she became frightened. Even taking my old age into account, how could I have possibly forgotten how much violence this film contained? Looking back with nostalgic good humor on that long past evening, I decided to share with my family what has since become a classic in the action/adventure genre. All I know for sure is, he was really afraid of snakes-a phobia that became increasingly more obvious as the movie progressed. Meeting up with a group of friends, who had brought other friends, I was shuffled to a seat beside a good-looking young stranger, whose name and face completely escape me now.

catholic movie reviews for kids

I can still distinctly recall the night I went to see Raiders of the Lost Ark at a theater in downtown Vancouver, Canada.

Catholic movie reviews for kids